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Showing posts from October, 2021

UPDATE! My New Patreon Launches Midday Tomorrow

UPDATE! > Sorry all! This has been pushed back to Monday. If I launch it tomorrow they’ll charge you the monthly fee then charge you again on the 1st, Monday. Don’t want to rip people off so I hope everyone understands Hwyl / Hullo friends. Just to say my Patreon* launches midday tomorrow. I’m rather excited to see see what you think as I’ve put quite a lot of effort getting it exactly as I wanted. As ever thank you from bottom of my and my families hearts for all the support, both financial and mental, it’s meant more than you ever know. Have a great weekend everyone. *Patreon is a site where you can join #ClubPorkChop in return for different perks. More tomorrow.

GIMME A JOB! #Please

Don’t mind me, just a desperate appeal for work. Carry on as you were.  EMAIL ME   Buy me a coffee

#ThrowbackThursday; 1995/6 & Snap-On · #ThrowbackThursday; 1995/6 & Snap-On Hello friends, hope this blustery day finds everyone well. Just a little throwback this Thursday. When I left school my first job was an apprentice mechanic for the local now long gone bus company in a workshop with no doors, gale force winds going through it and minimal heating, but it’s all good as it’s character building! Apparently. Plus I was 18. 44 year old Luke would probably be hospitalised after half a day! I worked at the Abergwili (Carmarthen) depot, no idea why as I had to go past the main depot in Pencader on my way to work. Abergwili had some service buses and loads of school buses. They were 25+ years old at that point, mostly Leyland Leopards with their flat engines accessed through side or top through panels on floor inside. It was a baptism of fire, anyone who has experience of fixing those will tell you they really aren’t easy. Character building! So I’m told. In winter it was my job to go round all the

Thank You Friends / Diolch Ffrindiau ❤️

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#DriverShortage; Of All The Criminals In The World……….

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The Idiot Steering Wheel Attendant; Back From The Dead!

Hello  friends. I have some amazing news this morning. Thank you so much for all your help getting me this far, I couldn’t have got to this point without our positive online community behind me, my mental health would have been destroyed. And not just me, all your positive comments have helped my Mum no end, so than you so much, thank you thank you thank you x   Buy me a coffee

#DriverShortage; Trucking Criminals

Hello all. Hope everyone’s week has gone mostly to plan. He is some more talking about the latest genius idea by the cabinet of chaos. Have a good evening all.   Buy me a coffee

Logo Required

 Hello all, hope all is well. Do any graphic designers or similar follow this page? If so how much for a logo design? Something along lines of one pictured. Was planning a Bertie logo but I really don’t want to antagonise his parents.. Also planning to produce some merchandise. Once I can afford a printer I’ll start to do it myself rather than done for me, I just need a decent printer which can be a trifle expensive. So watch this space! And printer recommendations welcome.     Buy me a coffee

The Great Brexit Sellout

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 Hello all. You may have seen I’ve been a bit quiet this week, panic not, it’s not death this time. Had a bad migraine on Tuesday and it always knocks me out a few days but I’m mostly better. Anyway here’s a picture from 2017 in the Alps, in Dark Diamond Number 1!    Buy me a coffee

Happy Birthday You Twat

So my captor is 44 today, halfway to 88. On this special day I wish him nothing but pain and pestilence. And male pattern baldness. And a goose attack. In the dark. On the upside he’ll be dead soon. And bald. Being plastic I am of course immortal to all intents a purposes. Now piss off, I’m cooking sardines on toast.     Buy me a coffee

News; Big Electric Order

If like me you are a technology nerd you’ll be happy to see today’s news that DFDS have ordered 100 electric Volvos. It’ll be great to finally have a good number of them out in the wild answering questions about them, their suitability etc and answer the question of what the future holds. Will it be hydrogen or electric, or a mix. I think it’ll be a mix at first but one will come out on top eventually. I hear all the complaints about range, purchase cost, weight etc but the more that go on the road the more these will improve. We are at the very start of this, technology is moving incredibly fast and problems being solved all the time. Looking forward to first drive in one.  DFDS Press Release VOLVO PRESS RELEASE   Buy me a coffee

DVLA Are Destroying My Life   Buy me a coffee