Hello chums. Just a little blog entry today on this bonus day. Hope life finds you well. The studying is going well, currently learning about Statutory Interpretation. It's more interesting than it sounds! Currently having a break in jolly old Watford Gap. The Irish reputation must be improving, two VOSA cars drove by and didn't even look! Good times indeed. Just heading to Boulogne for the morrow. Will hopefully start the top tips videos soon, need the cash to buy the headset style camera to make it easier. Also thinking of doing some simple lorry-driver.com stickers, maybe with the #ONWARD>>> hashtag. Again the delay has been money related and these text only ones should prove cheaper. Oh and please note the new #ONWARD>>> protocol! Anyhow time to get on with work, my Archers podcasts have finished downloading so it's time to move. Here's a couple of pics for you. An early R Series, a very tidy one at that and an old 96 vintage beauty I saw yesterda