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A Midweek Update & Radcliffe & Maconie!

Good morning one and all. Just on the ferry in Holyhead and now happily full of breakfast! As many of you may have heard I was on The Chain on Radcliffe & Maconies show on 6 Music yesterday. Was brilliant, they were fantastic to talk to and I really enjoyed it. Plus it gives me another chance to bang on about how bloody fantastic 6 Music is on here. So there be a link below if you fancy listening to me ramble on. Listen to the whole show if you've 3 hours to spare. If you've not listened to them or 6 Music before I promise you'll be hooked! If not I'm about 1 hour and 10 minutes in.


Also I often get asked what I use to listen to 6 in my truck. I bought a Pure Highway DAB radio a few years ago and it was honestly one the the best things I've ever bought for my lorry. Digital radio as I drive about. Worth it's weight in gold.


One tip though, I found the stick on windscreen ariel it comes with next to usless in a truck so I bought a mag mount one which is fantastic, I only lose signal in the most remote of places.


Finally I've popped up another poll on the right>>> I like these polls. 43% of you that voted are artic drivers, 20% which came from nowhere yesterday are never intending to be a driver and 12% are hoping to be a driver at some point. This time I'm interested how you found this site. I got 3,000 in an hour when I was on radio yesterday which was a bit mad, the power of Radcliffe & Maconie! I have been doing this site for a shade over a year and I'm still really amazed at how many hits it gets. I'm even more amazed it goes up every month! Its currently running at over 30,000 hits a month and rising. That's nuts!!! I just hope I can make it interesting enough to maintain the attention of all the visitors both new and old. Thank you very much indeed for visiting, it makes me very happy!

So anyway, that's enough of me banging on about digital radio 'n stuff. Have a splendid midweek everyone and I should have another video of my endless ramblings up this weekend.

Oh and one last thing *said in Coloumbo style* if your new here there are links to a Facebook page and my Twitter on the bar on the right. Feel free to come and be bombarded with the tweets and updates of a rambling buffoon. Be warned, I tweet a lot. Don't say I didn't warn you....



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