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KJR Holman / From Dads to my Childhood (Past Picture Post)

 So yesterday I posted some of the pictures relating to my Dads childhood and my Grandads lorry, today it’s me, and my brother Simon as we used to spend a large number of our weekends in various transport yards with Dad. One of most memorable was Kevin Holmans as he used to run this lovely old Atkinson along with the Seddon Atkinson (might do a #TopTips about history thinking about it, as I’m sure many won’t know the reason one is an Atkinson and the other a Seddon Atkinson), it was a classic in the 80’s! Dad as a mobile mechanic used to keep it rolling and working every day. One day I hope to have a drive in some classics like this but every day, nah, you’re ok! 

We lived in Thame at this time, we moved to Wales when I was 10. Dad didn’t drive full time till Wales, partly because after 20+ years putting his body through hell as a mechanic in all weathers he needed a break! As you can see from these pictures he didn’t exactly need a workshop, just his van and tools!

Have a good week all

Well, you can definitely tell he’s a Vernon!

Doesnt matter what time it was, what season, what weather, if it needed doing he was out there doing it

On first looking at this pic I mistook that plastic can in screen for Bertie!

Me and Simon, him on Truck I think. Complete with matching jumpers. My Mum always made sure we were smartly and warmly dressed!

We got lots of wonderful traits from Mum and Dad but one of the best, tho some might not think so, is we are all very hard workers, as both Mum and Dad are. It’s stood us all in good stead in long run. It’s also why I’ve actually enjoyed my year off sick after spending nearly 25 years as a workaholic! Back at it soon hopefully when DVLA return my licence, who knows when!

Hope you’ve enjoyed those. More to come soon.


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